Beekeeping Speaker

Looking for a Unique Speaker for Your Organization, School, or Business? How About a Beekeeping Speaker?

Have Queen Bri’s Honey Speak at Your Next Event!

beekeeping-speakerAre you looking for a beekeeping speaker that can introduce your crowd to the fascinating honey bee? Would you like to better educate them about the plight of the honey bee to survive?

We can come speak to your organization, school, or business. For children’s events, we charge $25 for a one hour bee presentation about pollination and the benefits of bees. This includes videos of us working in our apiary. For $50, we can bring out an observation hive with live bees in it if the weather is warm enough outside for us to remove our bees from their hive. For Business presentations, our fee is $150 for a one hour presentation plus any associated travel fees such as gas mileage, car rental, airfare, hotel, per diem, etc. Locally we only charge our presentation fee plus gas mileage.

Speaker Topics:

 Colony Collapse Disorder and the Struggle of the Honey Bees to Survive

 How GMO and Pesticides are Affecting the Honey Bee Population

 Honey Bee Pollination: The Origin of Our Vegetables and Fruits

 Urban Beekeepers: How to Get Started in this Hobby No Matter Where You Live!

 Beekeeping 101: A Crash Course into the Beekeeping World

Please call us at (405) 314-8175 if you are interested in having us come speak to your organization, school, or business about one of these topics.